2023 Impact
2023 Impact Report

Logistics changes. Our mission does not.

From geopolitics to natural disasters to human consumption and intervention, there are so many factors affecting the global supply chain. It is constantly changing and ever-evolving. But it is also what threads us all together and keeps the world moving forward. This is why we think that if you want to change the world, logistics is a terrific place to start.


And despite the challenges and increasing need, one thing that never fails to inspire us is the creativity, ingenuity, and dedication of our team, clients, business partners, and charity partners. Together, along with people like you, we are all growing the Logistics With Purpose® movement.


Thank you for taking the time to look over our 2023 Impact Report. Whether you are include in its pages or not, we are grateful that you also see using logistics to make a positive difference as not just a nice thing to do, but a must. And thank you for living this message out daily.

2023 Impact Highlights

Social Impact Report 2023
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Social Impact Report 2023Social Impact Report 2023

Impact at a Glance

Looking at the 2023 Impact Report is a little like looking at someone’s social media profile: It’s a highlight reel of all the good things that happened. And while we are certainly proud of all that we accomplished alongside our clients and partners, it’s important to recognize the time, effort, and hard work that went into each initiative and project.


Long-term initiatives again included donations given for every shipment we moved, the Logistics With Purpose® podcast, and Leveraging and Logistics for Ukraine. Projects varied widely based on the passions and interests of our team, and ranged from animal welfare to planting trees to disaster relief to helping children, which is always something our staff is interested in.


Every endeavor is a worthy one but each also requires a sacrifice of time and/or resources. So, we’d like to extend a huge thanks to everyone who worked to make them a success. Just as the supply chain is dependent on each part doing its job, this report reflects a team effort in making an impact. Thanks for being part of our team, and we look forward to working with you again soon.

Social Impact Report 2023

Take a look at all we did together in 2023!

Join the Logistics With Purpose® Movement

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Social Impact Report 2023

Vector has allowed us to reach those dealing with food insecurity and those whose lives have been completely disrupted as a result of living in a war-torn country.

We have been able to provide aid where most are unable to access. Vector has come alongside SERV in allowing us to provide much needed hope for individuals facing unimaginable difficulties.

Social Impact Report 2023
— Heather Carmichael, SERV International
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see that we are doing our best to use our expertise to help as many people as possible, making the greatest possible improvement in their living standards. I am proud of the good deeds we have done.

Vector's mission to “change the world” has deeply influenced my worldview, inspiring me to actively help more people in my daily life.

Social Impact Report 2023
— Lili Ni, Vector Asia
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I like that Vector is actively looking at how and where we can do our bit to help the underprivileged and the planet.

Social Impact Report 2023
— Nicholas Woodford, Vector Mexico
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Social Impact Report 2023

Thousands of lives were improved through our partnership with Vector. We provided mixed medical supplies, and Vector introduced us to other organizations who had contacts in Ukraine and surrounding countries to receive them and put them to use.

Additionally, we made new friends and partners through the introductions, some of which we will continue to work with into the future.

Social Impact Report 2023
— Vicki Bachmann, MATTER
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Vector’s global giving is very important to me. I’m proud of the fact that we support and contribute to improve the quality of life for people who really need it.

Social Impact Report 2023
— Kattya Ato, Vector Peru
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Social Impact Report 2023

Thanks to Vector’s commitment to being a reliable ally in transporting humanitarian goods, Restore Ukraine shipped six 40-foot containers with medical supplies, winter clothing, and diapers.

This resultied in the distribution of 80,650 pounds of humanitarian supplies to extremely vulnerable Ukrainian population.

Social Impact Report 2023
— Yaroslav Hnatusko, Restore Ukraine
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Our Vector culture fosters a spirit of giving back, so we are always aware of individuals and organizations in need of assistance. This ties into my life philosophy of always being of help when I can.

Being immersed in this type of caring attitude at work everyday gives me great motivation to continue to be of service to my community and world.

Social Impact Report 2023
— Adrian Purtill, Vector US
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Social Impact Report 2023

As a society, we need to make substantial progress in tackling essential issues such as hunger, health, and education. These challenges are not merely important—they are fundamental to our collective well-being and future. They should be at the core of our efforts and the heart of our organizations, defining what sets us apart and driving us towards a more equitable and thriving community for all.

Social Impact Report 2023
— Vicente Iribarne, Vector Chile
Social Impact Report 2023
Social Impact Report 2023