Leveraging Logistics for Valencia
Leveraging Logistics for Valencia

Leveraging Logistics for Valencia

Leveraging Logistics for Valencia

Our industry is in a unique position to help.

At the end of October 2024, unprecedented flooding hit Valencia, Spain, and surrounding areas. It turned out to be one of the biggest natural disasters in Spain’s history. As always, at times like these, we believe the logistics industry can make a tremendous difference. We call on our logistics and supply chain community to come together to help Valencia recover and rebuild.

The previous “Leveraging Logistics for Valencia” Zoom call can be viewed here. And you can register for the upcoming Zoom call on January 23, 2025, at 9 am ET (3 pm CET) here

Current Humanitarian Aid and Emergency Response Needs for Valencia, Spain

These are the needs that have been reported to us by organizations and individuals we know and trust.


  • Buckets

  • Shovels

  • Cleaning brushes

  • Bleach
  • Wheelbarrows

  • Brooms
  • Mops
  • PPE (gloves, masks, gowns)
  • Rain boots

  • Garbage bags
  • Generators

  • Shelf-stable food
  • Medicines
  • Winter clothes
  • Furniture
  • Beds
  • Household products





  • Warehousing
  • In-kind services

Non-Profits and Organizations We Know and Trust

Here are some of our clients, friends, partners, and peers who are actively working in Valencia.

  • Action Against Hunger: Action Against Hunger is an international humanitarian organisation that fights against the causes and effects of hunger.
  • B Lab Spain: B Lab mobilizes the B Corp community and all actors in society to respond to the main social and environmental challenges of today. The B Movement is made up of all the people who work, buy, invest, learn, teach and support companies that are changing the world.
  • Cruz Roja (Red Cross): Spanish Red Cross, which celebrates its 160th anniversary this year, belongs to the largest humanitarian movement in the world. Its mission is to prevent and alleviate human suffering, protect life and health and ensure respect for people.
  • Direct Relief: Direct Relief is a humanitarian aid organization, active in all 50 states and more than 80 countries, with a mission to improve the health and lives of people affected by poverty or emergencies – without regard to politics, religion, or ability to pay.
  • Islamic Relief: Islamic Relief is a faith-inspired, development and humanitarian agency working to transform and save the lives of some of the most vulnerable people in over 40 countries. Islamic Relief assists people according to need and does not discriminate in any way.
  • Save the Children Spain: Every child has the right to a future. In Spain and around the world, they work every day to ensure that all children survive, learn and are protected from violence.
  • World Central Kitchen: Founded in 2010 by Chef José Andrés, World Central Kitchen (WCK) is a nonprofit organization that is first to the frontlines providing fresh meals in response to crises.
  • Zubi Help: Created by the Zubi Group,  this site was launched to coordinate monetary and in-kind donations.

There are many more worthy organizations working on this effort. However, there are also people willing to take advantage of this terrible situation. To avoid scams and research your options, visit Charity Navigator or Give Well.

Here’s How You Can Help Valencia

Whether you have a lot of resources or only a little, there is plenty of work to be done—and every action makes a difference.

  • Donate money to one of the organizations listed above.
  • Donate goods and products as an individual, network, group of friends, religious institution, non-profit, or company.
  • Use your influence to make introductions between those who need help and those who can help.
  • Share credible information on social media platforms.
  • Become educated on current events and engage in meaningful conversations.
  • After you have acted, encourage others to do the same.


How Can We Help You?

If our team can be of service in any way, such as introductions, information, advice, or shipping, please let us know.

Last updated December 17, 2024.